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Ginger the Bank Cat

Dealing with so many cats on daily basis things are going to happen and decisions you make don’t always go the way you hoped for and this is the case with Ginger The Bank Cat. I had done a TNR with Ginger back in October 2018 kept her a couple of weeks wanting to find a home for her but she was skittish and nervous I wasn’t getting a lot of time for her I wasn’t having luck with rehoming and I also needed the space for more TNR cats so ultimately I put her back with her colony and it was working out well up until I was told to stop feeding at the bank. Ginger sought shelter under a storage building across the street and was coming back across the street to eat and I can’t count the numbers of times I’ve almost seen these cats get hit but Ultimately with time I was able to keep Ginger from crossing and was feeding her at the storage building but as time went on I was seeing her being bullied by Terra one of my other TNR bank cats and on Saturday night Terra ran Ginger off. Ginger didn’t come to eat on Sunday night and she didn’t come to eat on Monday night so for the next couple days I went by the bank several times driving around looking for her I even stopped at the apartment complex and put out the word of her missing with the management and maintenance people. I already decided if I see her again I was just going to pull her and come up with something different because she’s very young and just scared all the time. Even though she’s not real friendly like my other colony cats I know she loves me in her own way so I owe it to her to do something.
Well, yesterday at lunch I went by the storage building and called for her and she popped her head out. I got some food out for her and gave her some and I could tell she hadn’t been eating because she went after that food. She apparently forgot I was there so while she was eating I just grabbed her by the skin on her neck and carried her to the truck and put her in a carrier. She’s with me for now and has had lots of food, no worries and lots of sleep. She is still nervous when I check on herald feed her so tonight I decided to just video my first attempt of contact. She still needs work but I could pick up the vibe of great gratitude. Ginger always reminds me of Leo every day I see her at the bank with them being the only ginger cats I’ve had there and also haunts me at the same time knowing what happened to Leo. Ginger is about how old Leo was at the time of his injury so I’m sure you could imagine I was pretty stressed over this girl that something bad might had happened.

One more thing…I really need prayers for Tortie Girl, I’m not going into any detail right now so if you would just ask for Gods hands of protection over her I would be ever so grateful.

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