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Better Futures

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Welcome to River Cats Rescues


Who we are

We are …


What we do


How you can help

Make a difference

We are working to ensure better outcomes for all the colony cats.

How does your donation help?

Food and Litter

We use different types of food depending on the age and condition of all our colony and sanctuary cats. You can find what we need at any given time on our Amazon Wish List.  Litter is a never ending need, we go through several containers a week. Thats also available on our Wish List and can be set up as a monthly shipment.

Veterinarian Visits

We work with a few different veterinarians in the area to spay, neuter and vaccinate our colony and sanctuary cats. Special cases can sometimes be very expensive to diagnose and treat and while they often give us discounts those costs can add up. Please consider donating to help us keep the cats safe and healthy.

Shelter and Pet Supplies

Shelters for our colony cats to protect them from the heat and cold. Plus bedding and enrichment supplies to keep the cats comfortable and active. 

“I ask you guys, to keep supporting this mans dream. I have seen him first hand. I met him through my job when he came in every week buying so much and him, himself having so little. This man is beautiful and one of a kind. Please if you can.. reach out to him and help him, support him. $1, $5 $10 goes such a long way!!  He’s helping tiny little lives that most people overlook. He is absolutely amazing!! Thank you Karl Elliott for all you do. You are doing the toughest job that no one else will really take on.. and I respect you so much for it!”

-Kelly Ann Hodges

Get Involved

We couldn’t do what we do without YOUR help. 

Help us Vaccinate

Your $5 donation will cover the cost of a yearly Rabies shot for one of our cats.

Help us Buy Supplies

Your $10 donation can help us buy litter for the week.

Help us Spay and Neuter

Your $20 donation can pay for spay or neuter services for one of our cats.

Create Hope