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Boy Update

I really don’t know what to say trying to give an update for Boy all I know is when I went to see him and to find out how the surgery went is that he had to have his left front arm and tail removed because they couldn’t be saved and Boy also had to have stitches on his other foot and belly. I can’t even imagine the horror he experienced and I’m not going to lie this today almost broke me down. The vet is convinced he was attacked by something because of all the bite marks and like mentioned in the prior post and since I’ve been under that building 4 times today trying to get Prince that opossum is the only other animal in there so if I hurt anyone’s feelings for calling out their assumptions they are just going to have to deal with it. I know what I’ve seen first hand with this Opossums disposition so I have no doubt it would come after a cat if she felt threatened. I’m still trying to get the opossum out as well as Prince so the people at AT&T can do whatever it is they are wanting to do. My only goal in helping was to protect my colony cats from being trapped inside underneath that building so I’m thankful God intervened and had AT&T contact me to help with the cat problem because otherwise, I may have not been able to help Boy or even ever seen him again. Boy is in bad shape and his recovery is going to take some time so obviously, he won’t be going back to his colony. I’ve had Boy with me several times for different reasons like TNR, abscessed wounds and even respiratory issues but he absolutely hated being inside so I’ve returned him every time but there will have to be some adjustment time for him now because he needs me more than ever. Since I obviously still have Dallas here with a broken leg I may in a week or two just put them together so they can learn from each other and have company. I can’t even describe the emptiness of going to feed what remains of the river cat colony and tonight was just like a punch in the gut and the sadness was overwhelming. It’s never going to be the same with Tortie Girl and Boy not being there but there are other cats there I love very much so feeding and caring for them will continue. I don’t know what I’d do without my Team Leo friends who support all I do, it truly means a lot to know I am able to help all the cats I can because of you. I sincerely appreciate all the donations coming in to help with Boys medical needs I just hope we all get to see it was money well spent with a full recovery minus the limbs. It was a fantasy of mine when I had Tortie Girl here in January to be able to meet Leo (my two heroes) but since that never came to fruition I think Boy meeting Leo would be really awesome too because Boy is one of the most important cats in my life and has been for quite some time. I’m really going to miss our time together at the river but at least I know he will be safe in a loving home with me and new memories will be made here together as a part of my family.

I made a short video at the vet clinic this afternoon and though it’s not my best work because I was crying you can see hope in his eyes.

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