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Rogue Trapper

This past two weeks I’ve been dealing with many cats within my colonies getting sick with a strain of respiratory some vets have called deadly, along with trying to medicate several cats within these colonies I’ve noticed some have gone missing and I have spent countless hours looking for them. Some thankfully have returned, but some haven’t and there’s no way to describe the heartbreak I feel thinking I wasn’t there for them if they needed my help and something happened to them. I’ve been told of a rogue trapper in my area and apparently there is nothing I or law enforcement can do if we don’t know what is happening with these cats all I can do for now is make sure it is posted that my colonies have been TNR and are being cared for. This is going to cost money to get signs made but I now feel it is more important now than ever to get this done. I’ve priced a couple of places and the average cost per sign will be about $40 each with 8 colonies to post.
Also, have a need for a drop trap to catch cats within a mix of already TNR cats in my colonies that won’t come near a regular trap setup. Some of these cats are females who are responsible for many litters of kittens who face minimal chances of survival so this needs to get done so I can both stop the reproduction and spread of deadly diseases. The cost of a great reviews quality trap is $350. I was able to do 61 cats last year by myself through funding by Team Leo members but with new numbers of cats showing up I calculate at least 40 more minimum within my colonies that need to be vaccinated, spayed/neutered and maintained.
I have someone willing to do a dollar for dollar match fundraiser for TNR in the near future but the drop trap has to be purchased first as a part of this offer.
I’m always in need of food and funds so I’ve begun the process of getting 501C3 non-profit status for “The River Cat Rescues” but this too will require funds and I will also have to maintain a website to meet the requirements. Going non-profit will hopefully help in many ways with local businesses, nationwide food distribution, and individuals who would like to be able to claim any donations on their taxes. I don’t just talk, I’m out there every single day trying to be a difference maker and along the way, I share many, many stories pictures and videos with Team Leo. I’ve had to experience heartbreaks, but by far I’ve been able to have so many more successful happy experiences too. There are people all over the world who believe in me for what I’m doing to help the helpless and there’s no better way to show your support other than giving me your support with funding. If we all pull together we can do the calendars, T-shirt, coffee mugs, etc. Team Leo can be an example for the world to see that if we demonstrate love with our actions we can make a huge impact, one cat, one colony, one city, one state at a time.

Karl Elliott
P.O Box 61921
San Angelo, Texas 

You can download the Venmo app to send donations.

Look for Karl Elliott @ River-Cats

To donate food

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This is the cat who inspires me to be the best cat person I can be. 
This is the cat who showed me what selfless love is. 
This is the cat that gave me the ability to show Team Leo and the world what selfless love is. 
This is “Tortie Girl”

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