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As promised here is the story of one of the most inspiring creatures on this earth! The cat who rescued me “Tortie Girl” The River Cat.

We all have life changing experiences and this is the one that got me to where I am today as a cat lover. Leo The Bank Cat wouldn’t of never happened if I hadn’t never met The Amazing Beautiful Tortie Girl.

I posted this story in The Cats Whiskers originally on December 27th 2016 and again on August 1st 2017

How I met “The River Cats” a true story of Gods amazing grace and love.

The River Cats and The Christmas Spirit.

This happened on 12/26/2016

I had been separated and going through a divorce through most of 2016 and had just spent my first Christmas completely alone without any family plus I hadn’t worked since thanksgiving (self employed) and also one of my rescue kittens at just three months old “Callie” Bamboo’s sister had just been diagnosed with FIP so I was feeling very depressed, lonely and helpless. 
This was on a Monday night and the Dallas Cowboys were scheduled to play that night on TV so I decided to go to our local river that gets periodically stocked with trout during the winter just to get away for a couple hours and hopefully catch a couple trout to eat during the football game.
I arrived at the river about 5:15 pm to fish and thought it was pretty awesome that I was the only person there. Well I sat there and fished for about an hour and didn’t even get a bite. It usually gets dark around 6:30 this time of year I was thinking I might as well give up and just get home in time for the football game since I wasn’t catching anything anyways when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I noticed what looked to be a Tortoise shell cat (which coincidentally happens to be the same breed as my “Callie”) just sitting about 40′ away from me watching me fish.
I instantly felt bad for this cat thinking who could abandon such a beautiful cat and so I started talking to her. After a few minutes of being distracted from fishing talking to this cat I finally caught a trout. I wasn’t a fan of feeding raw fish to cats but I decided she had to be hungry so I cut the guts out of the trout and tossed them to her to eat. She ran up and snatched up the fish guts and took off and I figured well I probably wouldn’t see her again.
While she was gone I caught a perch and threw it in the bucket for just in case if she came back. After about 5-10 minutes to my surprise she showed up again but this time she came up to a safe zone of about 15′ from me so cut the head from the Trout and tossed that to her and again she took of over the hill. She came back minutes later so I went ahead and cut the perch in half and tossed her half of the perch and she took off again over the hill. She came back once again after about 5 minutes and I was thinking there’s no way she can be eating that fast but went ahead and tossed her the other half of the perch and once again she disappeared over the hill. I had caught another trout while this cat was gone so I tossed it in the bucket and after a few minutes again this cat came up within 15’ and sat there. I was asking what she was doing with the fish(like I would get an answer)and decided I’d go ahead and cut the trouts guts out and went ahead and tossed them to her and off over the hill she went again. She came back and I went ahead and tossed the head of the 2nd trout to her but my curiosity was getting to me so I decided to see where she was going to eat these fish so I walked up over the hill and it was at the moment I realized she was taking all those fish to a colony of about 20 feral cats up in the parking lot. I was so in awe and amazed to see such a selfless act selflessness from her it literally moved me to tears that she was sacrificing a meal for herself to feed the others cats.
I went back to my poles and sat there in tears and caught another trout so I just cut the guts out and head off and tossed them to her and when she came back and off she went again to give to the other cats. When she came back the next time I had cut the head off the trout so she can take up to the cats as well.
All this time I was fishing with two rod/reels and only had been catching all the fish on one rod so I decided to reel the other one in to recast but when I picked it up I realized it was heavy and that I had a fish on it which turned out to be a 5-6 lb carp so since the Tortie cat was sitting there watching I patiently tried to get the fish in and finally did. I decided right then I was going to fillet it up in pieces and let her take it to the colony.
This Tortie cat must had made 15 trips with the carp meat and in the mean time I had caught some other trout as well and was putting them in the bucket it was turning into an awesome night of fishing. Finally on one of the torties trips back to me another cat showed up with the Tortie cat and I so tossed it a piece of fish and he ate it on the spot. This cat is who I now call “Boy”.
Finally about 8:30 I had four trout for myself (minus the guts and heads)and decided to call it a night. I was feeling so thankful I was able to catch a few fish, meet a new friend, feed a multitude of cats, but most of all I was leaving with such gratitude and praise of how amazing my God is that He gave me an opportunity for some excitement, to get my mind off things for awhile, how He used me to catch fish to give to the Tortie Cat so she could give food to the colony of cats to eat and I was even going to able to take a couple trout home for myself but I ultimately gave the trout I took home to my own cats to eat. On this night I learned about selflessness and how it isn’t all about our own needs but how I can for fill another’s needs even if it meant I was going to go without like the Tortie was. But in the end we both had plenty of fish to eat an fed a multitude. 
My only one regret that night was that during the whole thing my phone was in the truck charging and I didn’t even get a picture of her but I went back out the next night and was able to meet up with her again and just like the night before all the trout and perch I caught (and I caught a lot), I gave it all to her to give to them and I that night i was able to take my first pictures of my new friend “the living angel” who I now call “Tortie Girl” and as many of you know it has turned into a love story. I still go up there to catch them fish often and I also take them cat food to eat and water to this day.

Tortie Girl has forever changed who I am as a person and I’m so thankful to have met her when I obviously needed her even more than she needed me. God is great and so is my love for the river queen cat “Tortie Girl” she is so special and is always happy to see me when I go to feed them, now Boy is too.